The following entries aren't real. Well not technically anyway. During the coarse of Infinate Nothing's evolution (as much as I tried to avoid it) there have been NUMEROUS accounts of crossbreeding. In most cases, this comes in the form of insider references, which only three people could possibly catch even though they probably aren't paying attention in the first place, but there have been times when bigger things have slipped in. Simply because when you base something on your life (even somewhat liberally), outside experiences and habits can have numerous unforeseen influences. Of course, this has led to confusion and all sorts of annoying questions from my half dozen readers. Therefore, I have created this page in an attempt to try and explain them away.
Fredrick the Continuity Flea - NO HE IS NOT AND IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH THE KU KLUX KLAN! HE JUST HAS A WEIRD HEAD!! geez people. ANYwho, Fredrick is a plot device and a pompous one at that. He came about because I needed some omnipotent visage to explain for me that what needed explaining. The problem is, the more someone knows, the bigger the potential ego. It's scary really.
Genner - He whined and begged and whined and begged and whined and begged to be added to my comic. So I did. Serves him right. Basically he's my answer to "Real Life"'s Alan Extra, with just a pinch of Mr. Bill.
the Three - I read faaar too many comic books, which is probably what led to the conception of these guys. The Three Who are One are the Anthropomorphic Personifications of the three sides of my personality. MrFloyd is the side of me that's sporadic, "squirrelly", hyperactive, and easily distracted by shiny objects. FeverDream represents my imaginative and to an extent hallucinogenic nature. While, NomadX is the part of me struggling to keep the other two in check. I've also adapted NomadX as my web avator, for a number of resons. Primarily since big coats are fun to draw.
Smileybomb Productions - I drew my first Smileybomb while bored during a middle school awards ceremony. I really don't know what sparked the whole thing after that. There was just something about it the little yellow incendiary I guess. Don't ask me to explain any deeper meanings of it, because I never really thought of any. I mean I suppose you can find some sort of hidden sub-conscience psychological meanings, like how it might represent my outlook on life or grasp on sanity. But at the end of the it would only be pointless guesswork.
Alice's Adventures Underground, and what she found there - of all my fanboyish tendencies, My obsession with the two books by Lewis Carroll is probably the most all encompassing. Ever since I was a wee boy I've been fascinated by the stories. I also love the original Tenniel illustrations even before I realized the two were connected (this was like in elementary school). And either or both have found their way into pretty much everything I've done since in one way or another. I think my favorite part of the stories are how they imply that reality isn't a constant; it can be flipped over, manipulated, reinterpreted and even ignored. And of coarse there's also all the wonderful little snips of pun, parody, and sarcasm.
WONDERLAND - Wonderland is an online text-based RPG based in part on the books by Lewis Carroll and inspired by the game American McGee's Alice. Needless to say, this is right up my alley. The following is a (are a series of) character bio(s) that I have put together with the intent on joining in the fun, However recent schedule issues my prevent this from ever happening. (it is a sad thing.) However, I thought it might be cool to use them for a substory in Infinate Nothing when I couldn't think of anything better to do. The visuals would certainly be fun. So I included these it case that should ever happen.
-=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=-"Hrmmmm, I wonder what would happen if....."
Age: 19
Height: 5 feet, 8 inches, 7 feet even wearing hat
Species: human
Gender: male
Country of Origin: Past
Occupation: adventurer, wrench in gears
Likes: freedom, twisted roads, high contrast. bright colors, harsh shadows, whatever is on the other side of the door. To keep moving to new experiences while treasuring the past.
Dislikes: stagnant nature, numbing cold, tapioca pudding, not being in control of his actions
Family: Joseph Hatter (father, a soldier in the war), Violet Matherson (mother, a chef), Issie (younger sister)
Appearance: A lanky youth with a big green overcoat, (well worn and singed badly at the frocks, a flying eyeball patch is sewn onto each shoulder) an amused expression on his lips, and an oddly pale complexion. His wild hair is mostly purple and covered by a large hat with a joker card tucked in the brim. His eyes flash different colors depending on his mood. You can find either kicking back in a lone corner or briskly moving from one group of people to another.
Personality: depending on his mood he can be flashy and loud, or barely noticeable. His curious nature has gotten him into some unfavorable situations on numerous occasions, though usually not for long. He's always looking for a new experience or discovery, but tries to avoid putting himself into harm's way as much as possible. He dislikes the Grimm if for no other reason then the threat they have to his personal freedom.
Genealogy: He claims that he is a descendent of the Mad Hatter and has likened to wearing a similar hat. Though no one really has anyway of proving this.
Pets: you really don't want to go there. Trust me. And don't mention Jabberspawn either.
Weapons: uses whatever he can get his fingers around with various degrees of effectiveness. He has been honing his abilities to reflexively produce an inch thick chain ending in a variety of tips (also depending on his mood). As his abilities grow, the chain lengthens. Currently it reaches about 3 1/2 feet.
History: As he grew older, Jonny began to notice himself falling farther and farther into his daydreams, his mother began to worry when he inadvertently started bringing bits of them back with him. When he reached 18, he left home, telling his family that he would find a solution to his "problem". Though this is not drastically far from the truth, the primary reason he left was his fascination with the worlds outside his door. During the coarse of the next year Jonny dabbled in Past, Present, and Future, taking spending money from the dreams of the rich and wanting, gathering valuable knowledge and experience but has yet to find his place in things. He eventually drifted into Lock and unsure of his next move.